The registration is not complete until you see this:

The registration is now open.
The registration is binding.
How to register:
- Select number of participants «Early Bird Doctor» or «Early Bird Resident»
- Select «next»
- Register «Order contact»
- Select «Next»
- Fill in the Participants details where you choose accommodation and activities you want to participate in
Registration participants: Click here
How to register:
Gold Sponsor:
Select 1 «Exhibitor Gold»
Select 3 “Participants Gold” (These are included in the sponsor package, but need to be registered.)
Participants Exhibitor
Select the number that comes in addition to those included in sponsor package.
Select «Next»
Silver Sponsor:
Select 1 «Exhibitor Silver»
Select 1 “Participants Silver” (This is included in the sponsor package, but need to be registered.)
Select «Next»
Exhibitor Regular (only registration of booth)
Select 1.
Participants Exhibitor
Select then number of participants that will attend on the congress.
For Gold/Silver; the number that comes in addition to those included in sponsor package.
Select «Next»
Registration Exhibitors: Click here
The Congress Venue is Clarion Hotel the Edge.
For your hotel reservation in Tromsø, we have favorable prices for accommodation at the Congress Venue.
Accommodation has been secured for delegates at a preferential rate.

Networking programme
- Welcome Reception: Tuesday May 20th at 20:00 – 21:00
- Opening ceremony: Wednesday May 21th 08:30
- Official Congress Evening: Thursday May 22th 19:00
- Closing Ceremony: Friday May 23th 15:00
The Opening Ceremony will take place in the session room; «Margarinfabrikken»
All delegates are invited to a informal get-together in the foyer at hotel the Edge. Seize this opportunity to liaise and network with your colleages
Price: NOK 1600, –
Dresscode: Smart casual
Address: Clarion Hotel the Edge (Congress venue)
Schedule: 19:00
What? | When? |
Call for Abstracts | Open |
Start Online Registration | Open |
Abstract Submission Deadline | 31.01.2025 |
Early Bird Registration Deadline | 31.01.2025 |
Notification of Abstract Acceptance | End of April |
Regular Registration Deadline | 21.05.2025 |

Registration is binding.
Cancellation must be notified in writing to the Congress Managers at post@ksci.no
Registration Fees: Cancellation received before 21st of February 2025 a 50% cancellation fee will be deducted from the total amount
Cancellation received after 21st of February 2025, no refund
Social: Payments are non-refundable after 1st of April 2025
All prices are in Norwegian NOK
«Velg billetter» /«Tickets» means number of participants

Registration Participants:

The abstract submission is now open.
- Authors may submit an abstract for presentation in one of the following formats:
Oral Presentation
All submitted abstracts will be assumed to be eligible for oral presentation unless the author submitting the abstract indicates that it is for poster presentation only. Oral presentations will be allocated approximately 7 minutes each in a concurrent session. All oral presentations will be delivered in-person
Poster Presentation – physical
Printed posters will be displayed for the duration of the conference with an allocated time for presenting authors to be available in the display area to respond to queries. Selected posters will be included in a “Poster Walk”, and some posters presenters may be asked to present their work in a short oral presentation for a “Best Poster” prize session.
References (not mandatory) – does not count for word limit
- No graphs, pictures and videos can be uploaded in the abstract submission process. Abstract submitters can include one table per abstract.
The same presenting author is not allowed to be allocated to more than 2 abstracts.
- Rhinologi
- Head and neck
- Sleep
- Allergology
- Laryngology/phoniatrics
- Audiology/otoneurology
- Otosurgery
- Pediatric ENT
- General/other?
When composing your abstract submission for Oral or Poster Presentation, please adhere to the following:
- The maximum word count is 250 words (excluding title, authors and affiliations).
- Include bolded structured headings as follows: Aims, Methods, Results and Conclusions. Some submissions may not lend themselves to this structure. Leave a blank line space in between each section. Subheadings should be followed by the text on the same line.
- Please do not include figures, tables or references within the submission.
- Abbreviations must only be used if defined immediately after the full word or if the phrase is used for the first time.
- Please ensure that the title or abstract text does not contain identifiable author information as the abstract will be blind reviewed by the Scientific Committee
- It is very important that numerical data and statistical analysis (as appropriate) are presented in the abstract. Statements such as “findings will be discussed” or “data will be presented” are not appropriate and will result in rejection of the abstract.
- Multiple abstracts from the same overall study are welcome but they need to be sufficiently different to justify multiple presentations.
Call for abstracts | Open |
Abstract Submission Deadline | 31st of January 2025 |
Notification Deadline | End of April 2025 |
- The Scientific Committee will judge all abstracts blind to author’s names and affiliations.
- It is very important that numerical data and statistical analysis (as appropriate) are presented in the abstract. Statements such as “findings will be discussed” or “data will be presented” are not appropriate and will result in rejection of the abstract.
- Multiple abstracts from the same overall study are welcome but they need to be sufficiently different to justify multiple presentations.
- The highest-ranking abstracts will be selected for oral presentations (unless otherwise requested), the rest will be offered poster presentations unless judged not to be suitable for acceptance.
- Abstracts will be judged on the following criteria:
- Novelty
- Scientific validity
- General interest
- Quality of abstract presentation

How to register:
Gold Sponsor:
Select 1 «Exhibitor Gold»
Select 3 “Participants Gold” (These are included in the sponsor package, but need to be registered.)
Participants Exhibitor
Select the number that comes in addition to those included in sponsor package.
Silver Sponsor:
Select 1 «Exhibitor Silver»
Select 1 “Participants Silver” (This is included in the sponsor package, but need to be registered.)
Exhibitor Regular (only registration of booth)
Select 1.
Participants Exhibitor
Select the number of participants that will attend on the congress.
For Gold/Silver; the number that comes in addition to those included in sponsor package.
Sponsor opportunities:
Includes: 12 square meter booth centrally located outside the main congress hall.
3 full congress registrations. 2 tickets for congress dinner.
Advert on the congress app and on the registration web site. Possibility to have roll-up at the registration area. Company logo on screen in congress rooms during breaks.
Electricity, wi-fi, regular tables, tablecloths and regular chairs.
Includes: 5 square meter booth centrally located (5x1m).
1 full congress registration. 1 ticket for the congress dinner.
Advert on the congress app and on the registration web site.
Electricity, wi-fi, regular tables, tablecloths and regular chairs.
Includes: 4 square meter booth in coffee break area. (2×2 m)
Logo on the congress app and on the registration web site.
Electricity, wi-fi, regular tables, tablecloths and regular chairs.
Room SMIA, capacity 30 in cinema set up: NOK 25 000, –
Room KJØPMANNSROMMET, capacity 50 in cinema set up: NOK 35 000, –
Room IMPORTKOMPANIET, capacity 75 in cinema set up: NOK 40 000, –
(Prices per. day)
A: Medtronic
B: Sanofi Aventis
1: Innoforce
2: Unimedic Pharma
3: Soluvos Medical AB
4: Olympus Norge AS
5: P. Olander Medica AB
10: Entomed Norge
11: Kebomed
12: Kebomed
13: ENTpro
14: Cochlear Norway AS
In progress
The Committee of ORL-2025 is excited for industry partners to join for the Congress of ORL-2025 taking place May – 21, 2025 at the Clarion Hotel the Edge Tromsø in Norway.
There are numerous ways for your company to be involved – by becoming a sponsor, by being part of the industrial exhibition or by purchasing one of the many available sponsorship items which will further increase your visibility to congress delegates.
The exhibition will be located at the congress venue – Clarion Hotel The Edge – in the coffee break area at the ground floor.
To raise a company’s profile we offer a number of sponsorship products which allow you to enhance company visibility and position your company as a strong congress supporter not only during but also in the leadup to the congress.
To take advantage of our option for enhanced visibility or to become a Gold, Silver or Bronze Sponsor, please fill out the application form below:
In case you have any questions or require further information about sponsorship products, the industrial exhibition or the congress in general, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with KS conference & incentive who’ll be happy to assist you with any queries you have!
KS conference & incentive
Kristin Solstad-Iversen
Phone: +47 926 54 255
e-mail: post@ksci.no
MedTech Europe’s Conference Vetting System (CVS) and EFPIA’s e4ethics assessment platform is a centralized decision-making system that encourages transparency and consistency in medical education events.
Orl-2025 has been submitted to the Conference Vetting System with submission number EMT – 24-01192 and been rated compliant on all accounts.
Please refer to the EMT – 24-01192 for further details.

Pre-registration is required due to limited availabilities.
A – Ultrasonography for the ENT-surgeon
B – Drug Induced Sedation Endoscopy (Harald Hrubros Strøm/De Vito)
C – Office-based laryngology
Price: NOK 500, –
Scientific committee
Key Speakers

Matthew L. Carlson, M.D., is an ear surgeon who specializes in treating diseases of the middle ear, temporal bone and skull base. He is working at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA. His primary research interests include clinical outcomes in cochlear implantation and vestibular schwannoma. Dr. Carlson hopes that his research will expand the clinical applications of hearing-restorative technologies such as cochlear implantation surgery, making more patients eligible to benefit from this surgery. Additionally, he works to improve quality of life for patients with vestibular schwannoma tumours, and to measure outcomes based on patients’ perceptions of their treatment.

Professor Alan Cheng is currently the Head of Pediatric Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney Children’s Hospital Network. At the University of Sydney, he is the clinical professor in the discipline of Child and Adolescent Health.
He is a past president for the Australian New Zealand Society of Paediatric Otolaryngology, and a member of the council for the Asia Pacific Pediatric Otolaryngology Group for the last 10 years. He is currently the Adhoc chairperson for the Pediatric section of IFOS since 2015. He is an invited speaker /instructor at many airway courses throughout Asia.
He has published in over 60 peer reviewed publications, and the main subjects of interests have been laryngotracheal stenosis, glottic webs, Pierre Robin Sequence, and paediatric OSA. He is currently pursuing research in managing paediatric tracheomalacia, mucosal flaps in choanal atresia surgery, and evolving ways to grade multilevel airway obstruction.
His outside interests include chess and applying its concepts in ENT surgery.

Ahmed Geneid is adjunct professor, laryngologist and phoniatrician. He is a head of department in Helsinki University Hospital of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. Prof. Geneid served before as president and founding member of Finnish Laryngological Society and president of Union of the European Phoniatricians. Currently he is vice-president and founding member of the International Association of TransVoice Surgeons. He leads a multidisciplinary team specifically focused on dealing with voice and swallowing patients. Prof. Geneid authored over 75 peer-reviewed international articles and chapters of textbooks. In addition, he teaches regularly on different laryngology and phonosurgery topics. Prof. Geneid is merited as Finland’s ENT doctor of the year 2020 by Finnish association of Otorhinolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery. He also received different awards as best presenter for two times by Finnish association of Otorhinolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery.

Dr. Dennis Poe is a professor in the department of Otolaryngology at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, specializing in neurotology and skull base surgery. He attended medical school at State University of NY Upstate, residency at University of Chicago, and fellowship with Michael Glasscock, III in Nashville. In 2011, he completed a PhD with Prof. Ilmari Pyykkö at the University of Tampere, Finland in Pathophysiology and Surgical Treatment of the Eustachian tube and postdoctoral work with the NanoEar European Union consortium on nanotechnology for targeted delivery of inner ear and middle ear therapy. He and his teams have worked to develop minimally invasive endoscopic surgical techniques for the ear. Based on his research showing the cartilaginous Eustachian tube to be the site of most pathology where it serves as a functional valve, he has developed new diagnostic methods and procedures for Eustachian tube disorders. He runs the International Eustachian Tube Study Group and served as the principal investigator for the first multicenter clinical trial of balloon dilation of the Eustachian Tube.

Professor Sanna Toppila Salmi works at the University of Eastern Finland and Wellbeing services county of North-Savo, as well as Helsinki University Hospital and University of Helsinki. She is ENT specialist and is specializing to Pulmonology and Allergy. Since 2013 she has lead Airway research group, which aims at identifying clinical and molecular factors for better prediction of inflammatory and neoplastic airway diseases, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) -exacerbated respiratory disease (NERD), asthma, chronic rhinosinusitis. She is Associate Editor of Rhinology International Journal and Clinical and Translational Allergy. She is past Chair of ENT Section Board of European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology and National Rhinology Society. She has over 200 scientific publications.

Professor Guri Sandhu:
Thirty years experience in the field of Laryngology. Lead for the National Centre for Airway Reconstruction, London.
- Professor of Laryngology Imperial College London
- ENT Surgeon to the Royal Society of Musicians
- Honorary Fellow Royal Academy of Music
- Past-President Laryngology and Rhinology RSM
- Past-President British Laryngological Association
- Honorary Fellow Royal College Speech Therapists
- Fellow – American Laryngological Association
Over 150 peer reviewed publications, 20 book chapters and 3 textbooks in Laryngology

Marie Westergaard-Nielsen
Current employment since 01.11.2020:
Senior registrar at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Odense University Hospital, Denmark
Cand.med., University of Copenhagen, July 2007
Specialist in Otorhinolaryngology April 2017
Primary research field: Salivary gland carcinoma, epidemiology, prognostic factors and surgical treatment.
PhD degree obtained in March 2021 with the thesis: “Salivary gland carcinoma in Denmark 1990-2015: A national study with focus on diagnostic imaging, surgical treatment of the neck and prognosis”. Affiliated at the University of Southern Denmark as Associate Professor since June 2023.

Citizenry: Italian
Degree in Medicine and Surgery (110/110), University of PISA, 1997
Residency in Otorhinolaringoiatry (110/110 e lode), University of PISA, 2001
Sleep Medicine PhD, University of Bologna, 2005
National Scientific Licence for associated and full professor
ENT consultant, ENT Unit Morgagni-Pierantoni Hospital, Forlì – HLA of Romagna (June 2005 – Jannuary 2020)
Unit Director, Ravenna & Lugo Hospitals, HLA of Romagna (February 2020- Jannuary 2024)
ENT Unit Director, Forlì & Faneza Hospitals, HLA of Romagna, Italy(February 2024 until now)
Scientifc National Commission for Sleep-Disordered Breathing (SIO&ChCF society)
EOS-DRS Master course director 2024, and 2025 More than 9.000 surgical procedures (head and neck surgery, transoral robotic surgery, laser CO2 surgery, ear surgery, endocscopic sinus surgery, sleep disordered breathing surgical procedurtes, etc. (certified by electronic system Logo80, HLA of Romagna administration)